One RTI that supports all HLA versions. 

Exchange data and synchronize simulators using the latest international IEEE HLA standard - HLA Evolved;
Used by leading hi-tech organizations like NASA, Mitsubishi, BAE Systems, Boeing, AIrbus, Thales and more;

  • Superior performance, robustness and monitoring;
  • Web View accessible everywhere;
  • Extreme Performance for Real-time Requirements;
  • Pitch pRTI™ offers the highest performance on the market: more than 400 000 updates per second on standard Windows computers;
  • Inside of Pitch pRTI™ you find highly optimized algorithms and advanced communication technologies based on TCP/IP and Multicast;
  • Quickly identify performance issues in simulators and networks;
  • Proven robustness, for example in NATO Training Network projects and Viking 11;
  • Enterprise and WAN capabilities together with Pitch Booster;
  • Manage your federation from iPad, Android or regular workstation using a web browser;


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