Easy real-time simulation of power electronics circuits developed with SimPowerSystems™. The dSPACE Power RealTime Library can be used for the real-time calculation of electrical models developed in SimPower­Systems.                           

Application Areas

The library provides mean value models for power electronics bridge circuits. These models precisely emulate the switching of power semiconductor devices. The simulation speed is increased by pre-calculation of model states and model separation for the distribution across several computational nodes. Library functions for the easy integration of models in asynchronous rasters help to avoid interference effects.

Key Benefits

The dSPACE Power RealTime Library can be used for the real-time calculation of electrical models developed in SimPowerSystems. The blockset provides different ways for modifying a SimPowerSystems model to allow real-time-capable code generation on dSPACE real-time processors by means of Simulink Coder™.


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