Connecting a host PC with dSPACE systems. Link Boards let you connect a host PC with dSPACE systems. You can also spatially partition the PHS bus by arranging the I/O boards in several expansion boxes.                                                                                    


Several Connection Options

There are several options for connecting an expansion box or AutoBox to your host PC/notebook: The physical connection is established via a high-speed serial or optical link. There are link boards for connecting host PCs via ISA, PCI, PCI express, PCMCIA, ExpressCard or Ethernet with 100 Mb/s technology.

Partitioning the PHS Bus

With the DS802 PHS Link Board, you can spatially partition the PHS bus by arranging the I/O boards in several expansion boxes. The box that contains the processor board is the master box. Boxes which contain only I/O boards are slave boxes. One DS802 must be installed in the master box and in each slave box. The DS802 boards provide the necessary link between the boxes via fiber-optic cable (up to 100 m). A typical use scenario for the DS802 PHS Link Board is adding and removing a simulator’s slave systems in response to changing tasks. Slave systems can be replaced within one simulator or exchanged between simulators. This setup is ideal for all applications that do not need processing power in every expansion box and ensures optimal utilization of your simulator resources. Master-slave systems can of course be combined with multiprocessor systems.


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